职务: | 常务理事 | 邮箱: | graphic_art@163.com |
年份: | 2021年入会 | 电话: | 86-1916-8863-987 |
公司: | Fengli Design | 网址: | XiaofengDesign.com |
职位: | 艺术指导 | 地址: | 澳門氹仔拉哥斯街75-81號海怡花園(第一座)17F |
王小楓 博士
博士畢業於日本多摩美術大學,分別於中央美術學院、挪威奧斯陸國立藝術學院取得學士、碩士學位,並於芬蘭阿爾托大學、日本城西國際大學等高校訪學。著有中英雙語著作《中西文字並排設計》等。他曾跟隨國際設計大師布魯諾・歐達尼(Bruno Oldani)任歐達尼傳達設計事務所設計師、曾任2008北京奧組委北京奧運大廈視覺設計主創、日本竹尾最佳海報展策展人、厄瓜多爾海報雙年展(澳門站)策展人等。作品獲設計獎多項,包括GDC金獎、評審獎、日本GOOD DESIGN賞、烏克蘭實用與裝飾藝術展全場大獎、兩度獲得澳門設計大獎澳門最具影響力設計大獎、提名獎等, 作品入選“費里尼海報”國際設計邀請展、Golden Bee莫斯科國際平面設計雙年展、墨西哥國際海報雙年展等,他是深圳市平面設計協會SGDA會員。
Wang Xiaofeng, Ph.D.
Wang Xiaofeng is the Art Director of Fengli Design and an Assistant Professor at the Macau University of Science and Technology. He received his BA in Visual Communication from China Central Academy of Fine Arts, MA from Oslo National Academy of the Arts, and Ph.D. from Tama Art University in Tokyo. He has also studied at Aalto University in Helsinki and Josai International University in Tokyo. His book “Chinese & Latin Typography” is a pioneer publication in the Multilingual Design field. Wang Xiaofeng has served as a graphic designer under Bruno Oldani at Oldani Communication Design in Oslo. His works have won many awards, including the GDC Gold Award, the GDC Jury Award, the GOOD DESIGN Award (G-Mark), the MDA – the Lead of Macau Design Award, the MDA Nomination Award, and the Grand Prix of the Ukrainian Exhibition of Applied and Decorative Art. His works have been selected in the Golden Bee Moscow Global Biennial of Graphic Design, the International Poster Biennial in Mexico, the Ecuador Poster Biennial, and the “Poster for Fellini” International Invitational Design Project. He is a member of SGDA.
博士畢業於日本多摩美術大學,分別於中央美術學院、挪威奧斯陸國立藝術學院取得學士、碩士學位,並於芬蘭阿爾托大學、日本城西國際大學等高校訪學。著有中英雙語著作《中西文字並排設計》等。他曾跟隨國際設計大師布魯諾・歐達尼(Bruno Oldani)任歐達尼傳達設計事務所設計師、曾任2008北京奧組委北京奧運大廈視覺設計主創、日本竹尾最佳海報展策展人、厄瓜多爾海報雙年展(澳門站)策展人等。作品獲設計獎多項,包括GDC金獎、評審獎、日本GOOD DESIGN賞、烏克蘭實用與裝飾藝術展全場大獎、兩度獲得澳門設計大獎澳門最具影響力設計大獎、提名獎等, 作品入選“費里尼海報”國際設計邀請展、Golden Bee莫斯科國際平面設計雙年展、墨西哥國際海報雙年展等,他是深圳市平面設計協會SGDA會員。
Wang Xiaofeng, Ph.D.
Wang Xiaofeng is the Art Director of Fengli Design and an Assistant Professor at the Macau University of Science and Technology. He received his BA in Visual Communication from China Central Academy of Fine Arts, MA from Oslo National Academy of the Arts, and Ph.D. from Tama Art University in Tokyo. He has also studied at Aalto University in Helsinki and Josai International University in Tokyo. His book “Chinese & Latin Typography” is a pioneer publication in the Multilingual Design field. Wang Xiaofeng has served as a graphic designer under Bruno Oldani at Oldani Communication Design in Oslo. His works have won many awards, including the GDC Gold Award, the GDC Jury Award, the GOOD DESIGN Award (G-Mark), the MDA – the Lead of Macau Design Award, the MDA Nomination Award, and the Grand Prix of the Ukrainian Exhibition of Applied and Decorative Art. His works have been selected in the Golden Bee Moscow Global Biennial of Graphic Design, the International Poster Biennial in Mexico, the Ecuador Poster Biennial, and the “Poster for Fellini” International Invitational Design Project. He is a member of SGDA.